一般社団法人 日本緩和医療薬学会




緩和医療における点滴ルートマネジメント確率に向けた医療用麻薬注射薬の配合変化試験組合せ要望に関する全国調査. 2023; 16: 23-37

薬局薬剤師に対する緩和ケアの相談支援体制の必要性と実行可能性の調査. 2023; 16 55-63

Opioid-Related Respiratory Depression in Non-Cancer Patients, as Reported in the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report Database. J Nippon Med Sch 2023; 90: 439-448.

Comparison of Analgesic Efficacy and Safety of Low-Dose Transdermal Fentanyl and Oral Oxycodone in Opioid-Naïve Patients with Cancer Pain. 2023; 46: 1444-1450.

Multicenter prospective observational study on hospital pharmacist interventions to reduce inappropriate medications. 2023 Jun 29; 14: 1195732.

Japanese Nationwide Comparative Survey of Medication Guidance Provided by Certified and Uncertified Palliative Care Pharmacists. J Nippon Med Sch. 2023; 90: 449-459.

Pharmacist Interventions for Adverse Drug Reactions in Palliative Care: A Multicentre Pilot Study. 2023; 78: 141-149


オピオイド鎮痛薬を導入した外来がん患者に対する病院薬剤師の指導状況の全国調査. 2022; 15: 91-99

保険薬局薬剤師によるがん患者に対する医療用麻薬の指導実態の全国調査. 2022; 15: 81-90

Multicentre prospective observational study on community pharmacist interventions to reduce inappropriate medications. 2022; 30: 427-433.


入院患者の医療用麻薬自己管理の普及実態における全国調査─日本緩和医療薬学会 研究推進委員会 推進研究テーマ結果報告─. 2021; 14: 61-70

Mohsペーストの使用状況および障壁要因に関する全国調査 日本緩和医療薬学会研究推進委員会推進研究テーマ結果報告. 2021; 14: 117-124


Analyses of Respiratory Depression Associated with Opioids in Cancer Patients Based on the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report Database. 2019; 42: 1185-1191.

A Nationwide Survey of Community Pharmacist Contributions to Polypharmacy in Opioid-Using and Non-using Cancer Patients in Japan.  2019; 42: 1164-1171.

A nationwide survey of hospital pharmacist interventions to improve polypharmacy for patients with cancer in palliative care in Japan. 2019; 5: 14.

Current Status of Adverse Events Related with Opioid Analgesics in Japan: Assessment Based on Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report Database. 2019; 42: 801-806.